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by Jiří {x2} Činčura

How to store GUID values (not only from .NET) on a Firebird database

8 Jul 2007 1 mins .NET, Firebird

After Binding Boolean fields from Firebird post few days ago I got some comments about GUID values in Firebird. Firebird doesn’t have some native guid-datatype alike to bool. 😃 But the solution is there (well, people around Firebird can do anything with FB 😉).

The most common way is to use CHAR field with character set OCTETS. You can of course use CHAR with i.e. NONE charset, but you’re only wasting space. Creating column as CHAR(16) CHARACTER SET OCTETS will fit all your needs with GUID. Why only 16-chars length? Because when you use octets, you’re saving data in “byte” form. So 128 is 16 x 8 and therefore CHAR(16) is good.

To test this, you can use this simple peice of code:

using (FbConnection conn = new FbConnection(connectionStringBuilder.ToString()))
  using (FbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    // first create the table for testing
    cmd.CommandText = "recreate table GUID_test (guid char(16) character set octets)";
  using (FbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    // working with GUID
    cmd.CommandText = "insert into GUID_test values (@guid)";
    // classic way, works good
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@guid", FbDbType.Char, 16).Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
    // another way, maybe better readability, but same result
    cmd.Parameters.Add("@guid", FbDbType.Guid).Value = Guid.NewGuid();
  using (FbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    // drop it, it has no real application
    cmd.CommandText = "drop table GUID_test";

Profile Picture Jiří Činčura is .NET, C# and Firebird expert. He focuses on data and business layers, language constructs, parallelism, databases and performance. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source, i.e. FirebirdClient. He works as a senior software engineer for Microsoft. Frequent speaker and blogger at